Progress on Free Kids Academy flowed like a waterfall in October, while November felt like a leaky faucet! In the past, when we had a vision our intense personalities would want to control it all. Go, go, work hard, play hard; the faster, the better, and hard work pays off! Sound familiar? This mentality made us both feel burned out and stripped the joy from the process. Luckily, our children are always teaching us to slow down and view life with childlike wonder.
Most of our stress, anxiety, or worry is rooted in fear of future events that haven’t even occurred and may never will. Most of our guilt, resentment, and sadness are forms of unforgiveness caused by reliving the past. Our peace and joy are found in the present moment. There are hundreds of moving parts when building a school, so the happiest place to be is in the NOW!
That is why we are slowing down this season and allowing more to unfold. In November, we hoped to learn about trademarking and randomly met a lovely woman that introduced us to a lawyer that could help. We also hired a new engineering company to get us to phase 2. We are currently waiting on a proposal. We are finishing up content for the initial website and hope to have that launched shortly. In the meantime, the mobile home on the property is getting new plumbing.
We realize our main building will not be ready for next school year, but we are hoping to have an alternate part-time program next year to begin to gather our Free Kids’ community! We reached out to parks and rec and churches within a 10-minute drive to see if they had space for rent. So far, we haven’t heard anything back that could work. Ideally, we would love to use our land for an outdoor program, but we are still exploring if this can be an option with county restrictions. If you have any leads on spaces in the area for rent, please email or message us! We are just as excited to begin as you.
As we head into this magical holiday season, I wish each of you the gift of time. Time to slow down and soak in all the beautiful blessings around you. Time to bake with your kids, wrap a present for an unexpecting friend, connect with your partner, spend alone in silence, and express gratitude for being right here, right now.
May you and your family be filled with love and abundance and experience your best health as we move into a new year.

We appreciate your support in these early stages!
- Here is how you can help:
- Share our content on social media or tag friends that may be interested. Tell parents about our school and share how they can sign up for newsletters too!
- Consider making a donation, any amount is a blessing. Share the donation site with others that may want to contribute. A donation is more than money, it’s giving your energy to the collective energy to consciously create this vision!
Stay tuned for updates on enrollment and details for next year!